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Music Promotion from Earwig Music

How can We Better Promote Your Music?

Music Promotion from Earwig MusicThe music industry has changed dramatically in the past 40 years since Earwig Music first launched its marketing services, and if you’re an independent jazz, blues or traditional folk musician you need an established music publicist to get found.  The Internet and social media have driven much of the changes in the independent music industry, and that’s why Earwig has stayed on the cutting-edge of independent music marketing while other music promotion companies have not.  We’ve fine-tuned numerous music business management tools that are designed to help musician clients connect and engage fans more effectively, enhance the artist’s creative efforts and drive music sales.  Our business management success is dependent upon building your career into a more efficient independent music marketing dynamo using online and offline promotions to empower, develop and represent you as an artist. We’ll look to expand your loyal fan base, promote your music and merchandise sales, and grow your audience globally in an effort to take some of that burden off your shoulders.


Our Independent Music Promoting Services

  • Show Bookings- Our founder and CEO Michael Frank will use his 40 years of music industry and venue connections to more effectively promote your music within the Chicago jazz, blues and traditional folk club scene and beyond, and get you booked for more gigs.
  • Getting Noticed- The number one challenge for new talented musicians is getting your unique style of music noticed by fans.  Our career consulting services are designed to facilitate talented artist exposure within the global independent music industry.
  • Growing Your Fan Base- Even established musicians want more fans, right?  Earwig Music will help you connect with a broader audience while staying constantly engaged with your existing fans. Resources we use include social media, digital marketing, email campaigns, and other forms of online and offline independent music promotions.  We serve as your music publicist so you can devote more time to creating, performing and showcasing your art.
  • Creative Input- We’ll provide our creativity input for your various music projects with a goal of assisting you in developing unique and marketable products.  For example, how can you incorporate bonus material, exclusives, pre-orders and flexible pricing into your marketing plan to drive sales?  Our artistic team has been doing this a long time and we know what it takes to thrive in the music industry.
  • Sales & Royalties Growth- At the end of the day even “starving” artists like to get paid.  We’ll help promote your music and your brand through storefronts and streaming services using effective online advertising, digital marketing tricks, email and social media communications, and more.  Earwig Music can even assist you in tracking and managing your ever-growing royalty checks!