Cashmere, the first of five singles written and produced by Harvey “The Snake” Mandel in his comeback project, “I’m Back,” has officially...


  • Cashmere, the first of five singles written and produced by Harvey “The Snake” Mandel in his comeback project, “I’m Back,” has officially been released (April 8, 2024, Out Ther Box Records). “The Snake” said the song is about a sexy lady in a cashmere coat guarded by a mean dog. It has his classic sizzling tone and the sinuous pitch bending that helped earn him his nickname.

    Cashmere finds the guitar legend as vibrant and creative as ever — still at the edge of the sonic frontier. Despite unspeakable health setbacks, and of course a Covid shutdown, Harvey has emerged miraculously stronger, proclaiming he’s never played better than on this vibrantly mind-bending tune.

    Harvey started work on “I’m Back” in August 2023, fighting back from vicious cancer, and back to doing what he loves most: playing guitar. Harvey wrote the song, then recorded and produced the single at his Electric Snake Studios in San Francisco California. Look for more coming from Mandel in the days ahead…

  • Cashmere – Single

  • Release Date: April 8, 2024

    Electric Guitar – Harvey Mandel
    Keyboards – Pete Sears
    Violin – Dick Bright
    All other instruments – Harvey Mandel

    Recorded By – Harvey Mandel at Electric Snake Studios
    Mastered By – Harvey Mandel
    Mixed By – Harvey Mandel
    Recorded At – Electric Snake Studios

    Executive Producer – Timm Martin
    Producer – Harvey Mandel
    Co-producer – Steven Hausheer

    Special Thanks to
    Gail Harper – Best Girlfriend
    Buck Mandel – Sweetest Dog
    Jim Crabtree – Treats

    Copyright 2024 ℗ – Buckwheat Publishing
    Copyright 2024 © – Harvey Mandel