Mud Cakes


This album features material taken from two smokin’ shows, one in Osnabruck, Germany, and one back home in Ohio. Haddix and the...

Original price was: $13.00.Current price is: $8.67.

  • This album features material taken from two smokin’ shows, one in Osnabruck, Germany, and one back home in Ohio. Haddix and the boys kick out shuffles (“Job Close To Home,” “Acute Blues Syndrome,” “T-Bone Shuffle”), funky blues (“Moonchild Ode To LJT,” “My Pet Peeve”) soul (“Winners Never Quit”) and grab deep slow blues from the bottom (“My Secret” and “Mud Cakes”). Ever the great storyteller, Haddix also gives the folks a funny monologue on “Mud Cakes,” one of many highlights here. Let your ears get hit by some Mud Cakes.

  • {acf_wsywig_track_listing}

  • Release Date: {acf_release_date}
