Look At Me


Liz is backed by a killer band, including Aron Burton on bass, Phil Baron and Allen Batts on piano, Michael Dotson on...


  • Liz is backed by a killer band, including Aron Burton on bass, Phil Baron and Allen Batts on piano, Michael Dotson on guitar, and Dave Jefferson on drums.  Three of the tracks feature backup vocals by Bruce Thompson & the Black Roses.

    “This disc is much more than a blues album … it is good music and good music of a caliber that deserves a wide audience.  It is a rock ‘n’ roll album, and a blues album that jumps right out of the speaker at you.  Mandville has oodles of talent.  She’s a bombastic vocalist and an exceptional songwriter … not one dud.” — Real Blues

  • {acf_wsywig_track_listing}

  • Release Date: {acf_release_date}
